Tuesday, June 4, 2013

"Ask Me a Question" In-Home Intensive Therapy

Here is Elena, during one of her two hour intensive therapy sessions.  This was taken by Sheila, her therapist, who you hear leading Elena along.  She discovered that Elena likes to watch herself on the iPad, and has incorporated recording her during parts of their session to later use a motivator to meet certain daily goals.  It has proven effective, and has given me an intimate glimpse into the world of my daughter.

A few words come to mind as I watch this: 


As her parent, there are moments in this that are difficult to watch, especially when she struggles.  Again, when you envision having children of your own, you don't envision the difficulties of a special needs child.  Even with as much inner work I have done to fully accept, move forward and unconditionally love my children like nothing else on earth, it is, at times, still difficult to release myself to the attachment of what I envisioned and what is reality.  As her parent, there are also moments in this that are strikingly beautiful to watch as well.  Being a parent to an autistic child brings into your life a set of circumstances I doubt anybody planning, hoping to be a parent imagines having to live.  How can one imagine?  It is such a unique experience. 

There is no good or bad.  No right or wrong. There's just Elena.  There's just Nicholas.  There's just Us.  And if you've watched this, there's now You, too.  You know.  You are aware.  And together, if you choose, We take it from here, one moment at a time.

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