Tuesday, July 23, 2013

California Special Needs Parents Please Read: Developmental Services Budget Trailer Bill, AB 89


We received a letter from the company that provides our behavior therapy stating that as of September 1, the state of California, in the Developmental Services Budget Trailer Bill, AB 89 (passed and signed by the Governor in late June), has mandated that the regional center program will no longer provide financial assistance with co-payments and coinsurance to cover the cost of therapy-related services, unless the family is at 400% or less of the federal poverty level.

This means that as of September 1st, 2013, you will be responsible to make all the payments for services provided that are not covered by either your insurance or the regional center. These payments include, by not limited to, your deductible, according to your plan and your co payments or coinsurance, according to your plan.

Families have the option to file an appeal with their regional centers.

It is strongly recommend that you discuss this matter with your service coordinator to better understand your eligibility.

Here is a link you can access to find out where your family falls according to federal guidelines. 

The federal poverty level for each family size, and the percentage columns that represent income levels that are commonly used as guidelines for health programs.

Please share with other special needs parents you know in California.

This stuff never ends...

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